Parents and guardians, don't forget that this Friday. March 1st, is picture day! Padres y tutores, ne se olviden! Este vierenes, el 1 de Marzo es el dia del los fotos!
12 months ago, Kissam Intermediate School
Spring Picture Day
It's another busy day. The library had a visitor! And Mrs. Leftwich's class is planting. ¡Otro día ajetreado!La biblioteca tuvo una visita. Y la clase de la Sra. Leftwich está plantando.
12 months ago, Kissam Intermediate School
library visitor
library visitor
library visitor
library visitor
planting in the garden
planting in the garden
planting in the garden
planting in the garden
Our students had a great time at the Perot museum today! ¡Nuestros estudiantes tuvieron un gran tiempo en el museo Perot!
12 months ago, Kissam Intermediate School
our students at the Perot museum
our students at the Perot museum
our students at the Perot museum
our students at the Perot museum
our students at the Perot museum
our students at the Perot museum
our students at the Perot museum
our students at the Perot museum
our students at the Perot museum
our students at the Perot museum
🤧 It’s that time of the year when the classroom is filled with sounds of sniffles and coughs. If your student is feeling under the weather, they can see a #SchoolMed provider right on campus. Sign up today at! 🤧 Es esa época del año en la que el aula se llena de sonidos de resoplidos y toses. Si su estudiante se siente mal, puede consultar a un proveedor de #SchoolMed directamente en el campus. ¡Regístrese hoy en!
12 months ago, Chapel Hill ISD
🤧 It’s that time of the year when the classroom is filled with sounds of sniffles and coughs. If your student is feeling under the weather, they can see a #SchoolMed provider right on campus. Sign up today at!
🤧 It’s that time of the year when the classroom is filled with sounds of sniffles and coughs. If your student is feeling under the weather, they can see a #SchoolMed provider right on campus. Sign up today at!
Chapel Hill ISD School Board approved the 2024-2025 Academic Calendar on Monday, Feb. 19. The calendar was presented by Executive Director of Curriculum, Assessment, and Instruction Dr. Joshua Tremont to school board members. The calendar dates and important holidays like Spring Break align with other local districts and educational organizations, such as Tyler Junior College (TJC), Tyler and Tyler Independent School District. “We are excited to continue the practice of our Parent/Teacher conference day, which will include student-led conferences that allow our children to explain their learning process, set goals, and take actionable steps to achieve their desires,” said Dr. Tremont. Other important dates include: ● K-3rd Grade RLA New Teachers: July 31, August 1-2, 2024 ● New Teacher Induction/Trade Days: August 5 and 6, 2024 ● Staff Development Days: August 7-14, 2024 ● Parent/Teacher Conference Day (Student Holiday): October 14, 2024 ● Week off at Thanksgiving: November 25-29, 2024 ● End of the first semester in December of 2024 ● Job Embedded PD: January 6 and 7, 2024 ● Coordinated Spring Break (TJC, TISD): March 17-21, 2024 Chapel Hill ISD Junta Escolar aprobó el 2024-2025 Calendario Académico el lunes, 19 de febrero. El calendario fue presentado por el Director Ejecutivo de Currículo, Evaluación e Instrucción Dr. Joshua Tremont a los miembros de la junta escolar. Las fechas del calendario y días festivos importantes como las vacaciones de primavera se alinean con otros distritos locales y organizaciones educativas, como Tyler Junior College (TJC), Tyler y Tyler Independent Distrito Escolar Independiente de Tyler. "Estamos muy contentos de continuar con la práctica de nuestro día de conferencias de padres y maestros, que se conferencias dirigidas por los estudiantes que permiten a nuestros niños a explicar su proceso de aprendizaje, establecer objetivos, y tomar medidas viables para lograr sus deseos ", dijo el Dr. Tremont. Otras fechas importantes incluyen: ● K-3rd Grado RLA Nuevos Maestros: 31 de julio, 1 y 2 de agosto de 2024 ● Inducción de nuevos maestros/días de oficio: 5 y 6 de agosto, 2024 ● Días de desarrollo del personal: 7-14 de agosto, 2024 ● Día de Conferencia de Padres/Maestros (día festivo para los estudiantes): 14 de octubre de 2024 ● Semana libre en Acción de Gracias: 25-29 de noviembre de 2024 ● Fin del primer semestre en diciembre de 2024 ● PD incrustado en el trabajo: 6 y 7 de enero de 2024 ● Vacaciones de primavera coordinadas (TJC, TISD): 17-21 de marzo de 2024
12 months ago, Kissam Intermediate School
Board Approved Calendar
PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENT OF REFERRAL PERIOD FOR GIFTED/TALENTED SERVICES Each year Chapel Hill ISD accepts referrals for students who may need Gifted/Talented Services for the school year. This program is designed for students who exhibit intellectual and creative thinking abilities at an extraordinary level not normally served in the regular classroom. Services are provided only upon identification of education needs of the student. Anyone wishing to refer a student attending Chapel Hill ISD this school year is asked to fill out the form online. This form must be completed by April 24 for Grades 4-6. Those unable to fill out the form online should go by the school office to request a paper copy. *Posted on campus and district websites. More information at Kissam G/T ANUNCIO DEL PERIODO DE REFERENCIA PARA NIÑOS BRILLANTES (GIFTED/TALENTED SERVICES) Cada año Chapel Hill ISD acepta casos referidos para los estudiantes que necesiten servicios de dotados/talentosos (gifted/talented en inglés) para el año escolar. Este programa está diseñado para estudiantes que presentan habilidades de pensamiento creativo e intelectual en un nivel extraordinario que normalmente no se sirve en el aula regular. Servicios son proporcionados sólo a la identificación de necesidades educativas del alumno. Cualquier persona que desee referir a un estudiante que asiste a Chapel Hill ISD este año escolar se le pide que rellene la forma de referencia online. Este formulario se debe completar antes del 24 de Abril. Aquellos que no puedan usar el formulario online deben venir o llamar al campus para solicitar un formulario. Para más información o o para remitir a un estudiante, haz clic aquí.
12 months ago, Kissam Intermediate School
Attention 5th Grade Parents! Tie up your laces. It's time for 5th grade parents to join in on the P.E. fun! ¡Atención padres de 5º curso! Átense los cordones. ¡Es hora de que los padres de 5º grado se unan a la diversión de Educación Física! Dates/Las Fechas: February 20th 8:00 -8:45-Redfearn, Leftwich,Flach February 20th 8:55- 9:40- Killen, Alacron, Duran February 21st- 8:00-8:45- Railsback, Calvo, C.Harris February 21st- 8:55-9:40- Brown, Anaya, K.Harris Please check in at the office with your ID We look forward to seeing you! ¡Le esperamos!
12 months ago, Kissam Intermediate School
                               Parents In P.E   February 20th 8:00 -8:45-Redfearn, Leftwich,Flach February 20th 8:55- 9:40- Killen, Alacron, Duran February 21st- 8:00-8:45- Railsback, Calvo, C.Harris  February 21st- 8:55-9:40- Brown, Anaya, K.Harris  Please check in at the office with your ID        We look forward to seeing you!
It's planting day! Grow little plants grow! ¡Es el día de la siembra! ¡Que crezcan las plantitas!
12 months ago, Kissam Intermediate School
Picture Day is coming March 1st! El día de las fotos es el 1 de marzo.
12 months ago, Kissam Intermediate School
Picture Day is coming March 1st El día de las fotos es el 1 de marzo.
Don't forget!!! Tomorrow is early release and Monday there is no school. ¡¡¡No lo olviden!!! Mañana hay salida anticipada y el lunes no hay clase.
12 months ago, Kissam Intermediate School
Don't forget!!!  Tomorrow is early release and monday there is no school.
What a fun day! Field trip parties, and more! Qué día tan divertido, viajes, fiestas y más!
12 months ago, Kissam Intermediate School
valentine’s Day!
valentine’s Day!
valentine’s Day!
valentine’s Day!
valentine’s Day!
valentine’s Day!
valentine’s Day!
valentine’s Day!
valentine’s Day!
valentine’s Day!
What a busy week! Take a look at all the great things happening at Kissam! Qué semana tan ajetreada, échale una vistazo a todas las cosas divertidas que están pasando en Kissam!
about 1 year ago, Kissam Intermediate School
what a busy week take a look at all the fun things happening at Kissam! call the front office for more information.
busy week with kids
busy week with kids
busy week with kids
busy week with kids
busy week with kids
busy week with kids
busy week with kids
busy week with kids
Congratulations are in order for our amazing teachers!!!! They have been recognized by the state of Texas for the excellence in teaching. We are so proud of each and every one of you! Congratulations to Ms. Kennedy, Mrs. Chavanne (Calvo), Mrs. Redfearn, Mrs. Duran, Ms. Ayadi, Mrs. Leftwich, Mr. Vargas, Mrs. Burris, and Mr. Brown) ¡¡¡¡Felicitaciones para nuestros increíbles maestros!!!! Han sido reconocidos por el estado de Texas por la excelencia en la enseñanza. ¡Estamos muy orgullosos de todos y cada uno de ustedes! Congratulations (Felicidades a) to Ms. Kennedy, Mrs. Chavanne (Calvo), Mrs. Redfearn, Mrs. Duran, Ms. Ayadi, Mrs. Leftwich, Mr. Vargas, and Mr. Brown)
about 1 year ago, Kissam Intermediate School
Our teachers receive recognition from the state.
Our teachers receive recognition from the state.
Our teachers receive recognition from the state.
👏 No appointments are needed with #SchoolMed! We know it’s hard sometimes to get in at the doctor’s office, so now your student has access to a provider on campus! Sign up your student today at 👏 ¡No se necesitan citas con #SchoolMed! Sabemos que a veces es difícil ingresar al consultorio del médico, ¡así que ahora su estudiante tiene acceso a un proveedor en el campus! Registre a su estudiante hoy en
about 1 year ago, Chapel Hill ISD
👏 No appointments are needed with #SchoolMed! We know it’s hard sometimes to get in at the doctor’s office, so now your student has access to a provider on campus! Sign up your student today at SPANISH: 👏 ¡No se necesitan citas con #SchoolMed! Sabemos que a veces es difícil ingresar al consultorio del médico, ¡así que ahora su estudiante tiene acceso a un proveedor en el campus! Registre a su estudiante hoy en
👏 No appointments are needed with #SchoolMed! We know it’s hard sometimes to get in at the doctor’s office, so now your student has access to a provider on campus! Sign up your student today at SPANISH: 👏 ¡No se necesitan citas con #SchoolMed! Sabemos que a veces es difícil ingresar al consultorio del médico, ¡así que ahora su estudiante tiene acceso a un proveedor en el campus! Registre a su estudiante hoy en
We had a stupendous time at STEM Night! ¡Lo pasamos estupendamente en la Noche STEM!
about 1 year ago, Kissam Intermediate School
stem night call for office for more information
stem night call for office for more information
stem night call for office for more information
stem night call for office for more information
stem night call for office for more information
stem night call for office for more information
stem night call for office for more information
stem night call for office for more information
stem night call for office for more information
stem night call for office for more information
Parents and Guardians, if you are enrolled in Medicaid or Medi-care, you can sign up to receive a complementary healthcare box that has items like lotion, covid test, toothpaste etc, Use the QR code on the flyer to enroll. Padres y tutores, si están inscritos en Medicaid o Medi-care, pueden inscribirse para recibir una caja complementaria de salud que tiene artículos como loción, prueba de covid, pasta de dientes, etc, Use el código QR en el volante para inscribirse.
about 1 year ago, Kissam Intermediate School
Complementary Box available call the nurse for more information.
Complementary Box available call the nurse for more information.
Example of Box
Parents in P.E is finally here and we can't wait to see you! This is a great time where we encourage parents/guardians to put your gym shoes back on and get ready to experience elementary P.E. all over again! ¡Fitness con los padres finalmente está aquí y estamos ansiosos por verte! Este es un gran momento en el que alentamos a nuestras figuras paternas a volver a ponerse los zapatos de gimnasia y prepararse para experimentar la educación física primaria. ¡todo de nuevo!
about 1 year ago, Kissam Intermediate School
Parents in PE please call front office for more information.
Parents in PE please call front office for more information.
Parents in PE please call front office for more information.
Parents in PE please call front office for more information.
📢 We brought #SchoolMed to campus so that students can visit with a health provider when they need it! Register your student for SchoolMed today! 📢 ¡Trajimos #SchoolMed al campus para que los estudiantes puedan visitar a un proveedor de atención médica cuando lo necesiten! ¡Registre a su estudiante en SchoolMed hoy!
about 1 year ago, Chapel Hill ISD
📢 We brought #SchoolMed to campus so that students can visit with a health provider when they need it! Register your student for SchoolMed today! SPANISH: 📢 ¡Trajimos #SchoolMed al campus para que los estudiantes puedan visitar a un proveedor de atención médica cuando lo necesiten! ¡Registre a su estudiante en SchoolMed hoy!
📢 We brought #SchoolMed to campus so that students can visit with a health provider when they need it! Register your student for SchoolMed today! SPANISH: 📢 ¡Trajimos #SchoolMed al campus para que los estudiantes puedan visitar a un proveedor de atención médica cuando lo necesiten! ¡Registre a su estudiante en SchoolMed hoy!
📢 We brought #SchoolMed to campus so that students can visit with a health provider when they need it! Register your student for SchoolMed today! 📢 ¡Trajimos #SchoolMed al campus para que los estudiantes puedan visitar a un proveedor de atención médica cuando lo necesiten! ¡Registre a su estudiante en SchoolMed hoy!
about 1 year ago, Chapel Hill ISD
📢 We brought #SchoolMed to campus so that students can visit with a health provider when they need it! Register your student for SchoolMed today! SPANISH: 📢 ¡Trajimos #SchoolMed al campus para que los estudiantes puedan visitar a un proveedor de atención médica cuando lo necesiten! ¡Registre a su estudiante en SchoolMed hoy!
📢 We brought #SchoolMed to campus so that students can visit with a health provider when they need it! Register your student for SchoolMed today! SPANISH: 📢 ¡Trajimos #SchoolMed al campus para que los estudiantes puedan visitar a un proveedor de atención médica cuando lo necesiten! ¡Registre a su estudiante en SchoolMed hoy!
📢 We brought #SchoolMed to campus so that students can visit with a health provider when they need it! Register your student for SchoolMed today! 📢 ¡Trajimos #SchoolMed al campus para que los estudiantes puedan visitar a un proveedor de atención médica cuando lo necesiten! ¡Registre a su estudiante en SchoolMed hoy!
about 1 year ago, Chapel Hill ISD
📢 We brought #SchoolMed to campus so that students can visit with a health provider when they need it! Register your student for SchoolMed today! SPANISH: 📢 ¡Trajimos #SchoolMed al campus para que los estudiantes puedan visitar a un proveedor de atención médica cuando lo necesiten! ¡Registre a su estudiante en SchoolMed hoy!
📢 We brought #SchoolMed to campus so that students can visit with a health provider when they need it! Register your student for SchoolMed today! SPANISH: 📢 ¡Trajimos #SchoolMed al campus para que los estudiantes puedan visitar a un proveedor de atención médica cuando lo necesiten! ¡Registre a su estudiante en SchoolMed hoy!