Medication Guidelines

Medication at School


Any prescription or over the counter medication must be accompanied by a completed Medication Authorization Request Form (CHISD Medication Authorization Form) and turned in to the school nurse. For student safety, all medication should be brought to the clinic by a parent/guardian. In addition to the prescription label, the medication must be accompanied by a signed physician order.

When applicable at CHJH/CHHS, written permission from parents and physician is required for students to carry and self-administer Epi-Pens or asthma inhalers. (CHISD Student Carry and Self Administration Form). Diabetic students will only be allowed to carry and self administer insulin when their Diabetic School Orders specify this.

Intramuscular injections (IM) will only be administered in life-threatening situations per Physician Emergency Action Plans. Intravenous (IV) medications will not be given.

Prescription medication must be in the original labeled pharmacy container, not be expired and will be administered in compliance with the prescription instructions printed on the label.

Non-prescription (over the counter) and dietary supplements will only be given if all of the following requirements are met:

  • All medications must be supplied by the parent and the Medication Authorization Form must be completed.

  • Medications/supplements must be approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and appear in the United States Pharmacopeia.

  • Medications/supplements must be in their original, properly labeled container.

  • Only medications/supplements that cannot be given at home will be given at school. 

  • A written request will be required from a physician or other healthcare professional with authority to write prescriptions to administer approved non-prescription or dietary supplements when such medications are to be administered for more than ten (10) consecutive school days.

  • Will be given in compliance with a student's Individual Education Plan or 504 plan in accordance with Federal and State law.

Consent to Communicate with Medical Health Care Professional or Health Care Provider

Occasionally, it may be necessary for the school nurse or other district professionals to obtain vital medical information regarding your child. In this case, the District must obtain permission from the parent/guardian in order to receive this valuable information. Please complete the following form if necessary.

Consent to Communicate with Health Care Professional/Provider

medication guidelines