"If you can dodge a wrench, you can dodge a ball!" Don't forget about the Dodgeball tournament tomorrow. We will be on pep rally schedule.
almost 2 years ago, Chapel Hill PEIMS Coordinator
dodge ball
Don't miss out on the chance to see this FANTASTIC show put on by our talented students. Hope to see you there!
almost 2 years ago, Chapel Hill PEIMS Coordinator
Bulldog fans. The Bulldog and Lady Bulldog Soccer teams are both in the playoffs. Both teams play this week so get out there and and lets show our support for these teams as they represent the Bulldogs.
almost 2 years ago, Chapel Hill PEIMS Coordinator
The student senate wants to help you out with 12 FREE PIZZAS. This fundraiser is March 20th - April 6th. Reach out to a student senate member or contact Mrs. Steele at the high school for more information. @senatechhs
almost 2 years ago, Chapel Hill PEIMS Coordinator
Congrats to the Bulldog Basketball team and for Coach Johnson for showing everyone what it means to be a Bulldog. Way to go Bulldogs. #culture
almost 2 years ago, Chapel Hill PEIMS Coordinator
Bulldog 2
Bulldog 1
Way to go to these Lady Bulldog Basketball players for this achievement. Bulldogs lead the way. Congratulations Lady Bulldogs. We are very proud of you.
almost 2 years ago, Chapel Hill PEIMS Coordinator
Lady Bulldogs 2
Lady Bullogs 1
Proud of our Dual Credit Students. Way to go BULLDOGS.
almost 2 years ago, Chapel Hill PEIMS Coordinator
Hope you had a wonderful Spring Break! Classes will be back in session starting Monday, March 20. Let's get ready to tackle the rest of the semester together📚🏫 ¡Esperamos que hayas tenido unas excelentes vacaciones de primavera! Las clases se reanudan el lunes 20 de marzo.
almost 2 years ago, Chapel Hill ISD
almost 2 years ago, Chapel Hill ISD
Tune in to this week's exciting episode of #DownWithDean, where we catch up with two of our outstanding #chapelhillisd track team members and share upcoming event information. 📺YouTube: https://youtu.be/Y9PHIyBCKpc
almost 2 years ago, Chapel Hill ISD
Tune in to this week's exciting episode of #DownWithDean, where we catch up with two of our outstanding #chapelhillisd track team members and share upcoming event information.  📺YouTube: https://youtu.be/Y9PHIyBCKpc
Enjoy your Spring Break!
almost 2 years ago, Chapel Hill PEIMS Coordinator
spring break
🗳️Chapel Hill residents, get ready to vote! Our partnership with Smith County Elections Office brings you all the vital information you need for the May 6th elections. Watch: https://youtu.be/ehUXbcMvd9o
almost 2 years ago, Chapel Hill ISD
Reminder to Parents/Guardians!
almost 2 years ago, Chapel Hill PEIMS Coordinator
progress reports
Our Free Health Fair happening today until 2 p.m. at the CHHS Varsity Gym. Meet local health and wellness organizations that will be offering services, including TheraPet, WIC, and the ETX Crisis Center. chapelhillisd.org/article/1007454
almost 2 years ago, Chapel Hill ISD
health fair
¡Atención! La Junta Escolar de #ChapelHillISD ha lanzado un bono para financiar proyectos importantes en nuestro distrito. Asegúrense de estar informados antes de votar el 6 de mayo viendo el video del bono! #CHISD2023Bond 🌐 https://chapelhillisd.org/o/bond 📺 https://youtu.be/couAbdksFas
almost 2 years ago, Chapel Hill ISD
¡Atención! La Junta Escolar de #ChapelHillISD ha lanzado un bono para financiar proyectos importantes en nuestro distrito. Asegúrense de estar informados antes de votar el 6 de mayo viendo el video del bono! #CHISD2023Bond 🌐 https://chapelhillisd.org/o/bond    📺 https://youtu.be/couAbdksFas
Come out and support our Seniors. GO BULLDOGS!
almost 2 years ago, Chapel Hill PEIMS Coordinator
The GT referral form must be completed by April 14 for. Forms are also available at the HS front office. More information at https://www.chapelhillisd.org/page/gifted-talented https://forms.gle/fLTqwsqc3vPf4fmw9
almost 2 years ago, Chapel Hill PEIMS Coordinator
Congrats to all of our Bulldog Cheerleaders.
almost 2 years ago, Chapel Hill PEIMS Coordinator
A big shoutout to all the Chapel Hill High School and Chapel Hill Junior High dads and male figures who joined us at the 'All Pro Dads' event. Your participation means the world to us and your children. 👨Join the volunteer group: https://www.chapelhillisd.org/page/volunteer
almost 2 years ago, Chapel Hill ISD
All Pro Dad
All Pro Dad
All Pro Dad
All Pro Dad
✅Check your voter registration status: https://teamrv-mvp.sos.texas.gov/MVP/mvp.do
almost 2 years ago, Chapel Hill ISD
✅Check your voter registration status:  https://teamrv-mvp.sos.texas.gov/MVP/mvp.do