Chapel Hill, Smith County - Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service to name Kissam Intermediate School a Healthy School Recognized Campus (HSRC) on Tuesday, Feb. 6. This recognition shows Kissam Intermediate’s commitment to educating its students on a healthy lifestyle. The programs serve to support and encourage students, staff, and parents/guardians to improve their health.
Since 2021, the campus administration and teachers have led several programs and activities making Kissam Intermediate eligible for the HSRC award.
The Learn, Grow, Eat & Go program, established by Texas A&M AgriLife, is a 10-week course for 4th-grade students focused on gardening, healthy eating, and being active. The easy-to-follow program combines hands-on lessons (learn), garden activities (grow), opportunities to taste fresh vegetables (eat), and physical activity breaks (go). The goals of the program are to:
Increase student knowledge of nutrition and plant science
Improve student preference for vegetables
Apply math skills in gardening preparation
Learn about plant science, the environment, and conservation
In 2022, the campus hosted a six-session summer camp focusing on teaching students to choose healthy foods and an active lifestyle. The sessions included the following:
Replacing sweetened beverages with low-fat milk and water
Eating more vegetables, fruits, and whole grains
Eating fewer high-fat and high-sugar foods
Playing actively 60+ minutes per day
During the school year 2022-2023, the physical education staff led the Walk Across Texas! ADULTS. An eight-week program designed to help Texans establish the habit of regular physical activity. Each adult team may include up to eight team members, all working together to walk the 832-mile goal.
During the school year 2023-2024, the campus led Walk Across Texas! YOUTH. The program is an eight-week program designed to help our youngest Texans establish the habit of regular physical activity using a fun and motivating team approach.
For more information, contact the Communications Department at (903)566-2441.
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