Help CHJH share the love we have for our A-Team!!! Our Assistant Principals, Ms. Stowers & Mr. Hayter!

🔔 REMINDER: There is no school on Friday, April 7. Monday, April 10, is a Student Holiday and a Staff Professional Development Day.

🎉🏆 Congratulations to all our 2023 CHISD Teacher of the Year Nominees:
Mrs. Tracy Steele - Chapel Hill High School
Mrs. Kathryn Wright - Chapel Hill Junior High
Mrs. Destiny Kissam - Kissam Intermediate
Mrs. DeLisa Ward - Jackson Elementary Chapel Hill Texas
Mrs. Joanna Esparza - Wise Elementary

Registering to vote is quick and easy with just two simple steps:
1. Complete the Voter Registration form which is available at any of our campuses.
2. Submit the completed form to our receptionist or mail it out yourself.
Voting Information: https://www.chapelhillisd.org/o/bond/page/vote2023

A HUGE THANK YOU to each and every paraprofessional on the CHJH campus! We appreciate the endless work and many hats that you all wear every single day!
Wright, M
Johnson, k
Rodriguez, A
Delone, A
White, D
Quintanilla, A
Hauk, B

Today, CHJH wants to talk about Autism Awareness! It's important that we all take the time to understand and appreciate the unique abilities and challenges that Autism brings. Let's celebrate the incredible strength and resilience of our Students with Autism and recognize the amazing contributions they make to our world. Let's spread positivity and love to those affected by Autism, and work together to create a more inclusive and supportive society. Let's all do our part to raise awareness and promote acceptance! #AutismAwareness #SpreadPositivity #InclusionMatters

Happening today! The amazing CHJH Sapphires spring show!
You don't want to miss this show! Tickets on sale at the door!
2:30pm in the CHHS Auditorium

From Bulldog to Mean Green: Meet Madison Bradshaw, the newest addition to theUniversity of North Texas Cheer Division 1 program! We're so proud of this Bulldog for chasing her dreams 🎉 #UNT #ChapelHillPride

Dear Parents/Guardians,
We would like to invite you to our upcoming GT Parent Awareness Night, where we will provide information about our Gifted and Talented (GT) program and how it can benefit your child's academic journey.

It's that time again! All Pro Dads meet at Chapel Hill High School on Thursday April 6th, 2023 at 7:30am.
The meeting will be located in the CHHS little theater room. Please check in at the front office.

Congrats to the following Chapel Hill Junior High recognized individuals:
👩🎓Students of the Month: Preslee Correa, George Cameron, Lavel Burton, and Trinity Dupree
👩🏫Teacher of the Month: Kathryn Wright
👩Staff Member of the Month: Heidii Godbold
👨District Employee of the Month: Shawn Lusk

UIL Contest is here for the Chapel Hill Junior High Band!!!!
We are so proud of all the work our 7th and 8th-grade students have done in preparation for this week.
It’s free and open to the public at Chapel Hill High School, and we need parental support to clap and support our kids. COME INTO THE SIGHTREADING ROOM in the high school band hall and clap after we play for judges.

Down With Dean - Kids Edition: What’s happening at #ChapelHillISD this week?
📽️Video: youtu.be/7zWL206uJTc

Bulldogs, are you registered to vote?
The last day to register to vote is Thursday, April 6.
Pick up a voter registration form at any of our front offices. Voting info: https://www.chapelhillisd.org/o/bond/page/vote2023

Huge CONGRATULATIONS to our CHJH Boys track team!

CHJH Parents: Please Join us tomorrow
evening for our Health and Fitness discussion.

Hope you had a wonderful Spring Break! Classes will be back in session starting Monday, March 20. Let's get ready to tackle the rest of the semester together📚🏫 ¡Esperamos que hayas tenido unas excelentes vacaciones de primavera! Las clases se reanudan el lunes 20 de marzo.

Tune in to this week's exciting episode of #DownWithDean, where we catch up with two of our outstanding #chapelhillisd track team members and share upcoming event information.
📺YouTube: https://youtu.be/Y9PHIyBCKpc

🗳️Chapel Hill residents, get ready to vote! Our partnership with
Smith County Elections Office brings you all the vital information you need for the May 6th elections.
Watch: https://youtu.be/ehUXbcMvd9o