👻Due to inclement weather the Chili Cook-Off and Halloween game has been rescheduled to Saturday, Nov. 5. 
over 2 years ago, Chapel Hill ISD
👻Due to inclement weather the Chili Cook-Off and Halloween game has been rescheduled to Saturday, Nov. 5. 
The 2nd Six Weeks is ending Friday November 4th.
over 2 years ago, Chapel Hill PEIMS Coordinator
report cards
Due to possible inclement weather on Friday, Oct. 28, the following varsity game has been moved to 7:30 p.m. on Thursday, Oct. 27: Chapel Hill Bulldogs vs Athens Hornets at the CHISD High School Bulldog Stadium, 13172 State Highway 64 E., TX, 75707 All sub-varsity games will be cancelled. Ticket information: https://www.vancoevents.com/us/events/landing?eid=25945&
over 2 years ago, Chapel Hill ISD
Due to possible inclement weather on Friday, Oct. 28, the following varsity game has been moved to 7:30 p.m. on Thursday, Oct. 27:  Chapel Hill Bulldogs vs Athens Hornets at the CHISD High School Bulldog Stadium, 13172 State Highway 64 E., TX, 75707  All sub-varsity games will be cancelled.
over 2 years ago, Chapel Hill PEIMS Coordinator
Show support our Chapel Hill Elementary schools and donote today!!
over 2 years ago, Chapel Hill PEIMS Coordinator
Watch this week's Down With Dean: https://youtu.be/aUTekm8NtIk
over 2 years ago, Chapel Hill ISD
Watch this week's Down With Dean: https://youtu.be/aUTekm8NtIk
Celebrate life, live DRUG FREE! Red Ribbon week next week.
over 2 years ago, Chapel Hill PEIMS Coordinator
Red Ribbon
Order your shirt today. Use the link below to print out your order form. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1D2dPt0VJ2bVaRPzEviIqIfXjLPEr8CffyQZr3XuIZKc/edit?usp=sharing
over 2 years ago, Chapel Hill PEIMS Coordinator
Very proud of Cross Country for a great season!!
over 2 years ago, Chapel Hill PEIMS Coordinator
Cross Country
Senior Tribute Varsity LadyBulldogs 22-23: Alexis Martinez # 9
over 2 years ago, Chapel Hill PEIMS Coordinator
National School Bus Safety Week
over 2 years ago, Chapel Hill PEIMS Coordinator
Happening Now: FCA Tailgate Party/Community Carnival at 4:30 p.m. today, Oct. 14, at the Chapel Hill High School.
over 2 years ago, Chapel Hill ISD
Join us at our next CHISD School Board meeting at 7 p.m. on Monday, Oct. 17. 👥View the agenda here: bit.ly/CHISDBoardAgendas22-23
over 2 years ago, Chapel Hill ISD
Game Day. Come out, Wear PINK, and cheer the Bulldogs to victory over the Eagles. GO BULLDOGS!!!!
over 2 years ago, Chapel Hill PEIMS Coordinator
3 week grading period ends October 14th. Progress reports will be handed out Thursday October 20th!
over 2 years ago, Chapel Hill PEIMS Coordinator
The Salon on the Hill is Closed today. We appreciate your understanding in this matter. Have a great night!
over 2 years ago, Chapel Hill PEIMS Coordinator
over 2 years ago, Chapel Hill PEIMS Coordinator
dunk booth
Nurse Mitchell reminds you to sign the Over the Counter Medication consent form. You find it on Skyward famliy access, pick up a form at the high school, or click on this link. https://5il.co/1j46d. Contact Nurse Mitchell with any questions about this form. 903-566-2311 ext 1420
over 2 years ago, Chapel Hill PEIMS Coordinator
PEP RALLY FRIDAY!!! Dress as your favorite cartoon character. Must be dress code appropriate and no face covering or masks of any kind.
over 2 years ago, Chapel Hill PEIMS Coordinator
Be sure to look for our PFE Newsletter at the end of each six weeks and subscribe to our newsletter for family resources, support, and information to help your family throughout our 2022-2023 school year. Click the link for the latest Newsletter. https://www.smore.com/p7nhc
over 2 years ago, Chapel Hill PEIMS Coordinator