Check out our back-to-school resources folder to view the 2023-2024 school supply list, bell schedule, and more!

Happy Independence Day, Bulldogs! 🇺🇸 Let's celebrate the red, white, and blue with pride. Wishing our amazing community a day filled with joy, unity, and gratitude.

It’s time to schedule your Sr. pictures. Sessions will take place on 06/29/23 in the CHHS Auditorium. Sr's must have their photo taken by Prestige to be included in our school’s yearbook. Visit schedule.prestigeportraits.com to book your senior photography session!

🏫 CHISD Board of Trustees will hold a special called board meeting at 12:30 p.m. on Thursday, June 29. View the agenda: https://meetings.boardbook.org/Public/Organization/1759

View June 20, 2023, School Board meeting agenda: https://meetings.boardbook.org/Public/Organization/1759

June 20, 21, 22
Report to High School Library @ 8:15am

Returning student registration opens July 3rd for students who completed the 2023 school year at CHISD. Registration must be completed in order for your student to start the 23-24 school year. Contact Mr. Whitman, the registrar, with any questions. whitmang@chapelhillisd.org

Enrollment is now open for new, first-time students in district. 📚Online enrollment for returning students opens on July 3.
New student enrollment: https://www.chapelhillisd.org/page/new-student-enrollment

We are excited to announce that TEA has awarded our CTE Department the 22-23 Summer CTE Grant! With this CHISD can provide paid internships for incoming seniors enrolled in advanced CTE courses. Contact Leigh Ann Crump for more information. Email: crumpl@chapelhillisd.org

Calendar Reminder: Monday, June 19, is a staff holiday. In honor of Juneteenth, some facilities will be closed. Baseball Camp and EDGE workouts continue as scheduled. Other summer camps will resume on Tuesday, June 20.

The countdown to the first day of school has officially begun. 🗓️ Get ready to embark on a new educational journey starting Wednesday, August 16. #FirstDayOfSchool #ChapelHillISD

Congratulations our students, Jacob Cabral, Austin Burris, and Blake Dobbs, who were accepted into the Tyler ISD/Christus Trinity Mother Frances Project SEARCH program!

🌞🌴Our summer camps are in full swing, offering a wide range of exciting options for our students. Don't let your kids miss out on an incredible summer adventure.
Registration information: https://www.chapelhillisd.org/page/summercamps

Final grades have been completed. If you requested a transcript prior to graduation your request is at the top of our list. We are working hard to get them all completed asap. You will receive a confirmation email, to the email you provided, when your request is completed.

🍎Our free Summer Meals Program has begun for children in the Chapel Hill community. Open the link to view dates and times: https://www.chapelhillisd.org/article/1142116

22-23 High School final report cards have been uploaded to Skyward Family Portal. Please go there to view your students Final Report Card. If you are not able to print a copy you can go to http://tiny.cc/qer7vz to make a request.

Checkout this month's Tyler Today Magazine featuring our Valedictorian McKenzie Peery, Salutatorian Megan Rhea, and Senior Class President Hillary Crist.
Link: https://www.tylertodaymagazine.com/

📢 Parents and Families, your feedback is vital! Take our survey on parental involvement to shape our district. Let's build a stronger community and empower our children! Survey: https://bit.ly/CHISDParentSurvey2023

Happy Memorial Day from Chapel Hill high school . Be safe.