UPDATE: Due to the weather events causing schools to close this week, this will be moved to Friday, February 3rd baring any other school closings on that day. We hope you are being and have been staying safe and warm.
World Cancer Awareness Day might officially be this Saturday February 4th but it will be Wednesday the 1st for Chapel Hill high school. At some point during a persons lifetime , it seems that Cancer is something that effects us all in one way or another. Whether it be a family member, close friend, a class mate, or just someone we know in passing. It is always something that touches our lives in some way. World Cancer Awareness Day was started to raise awareness on prevention, early detection of the disease, and treatment for the disease.
On Wednesday February 4th CHHS students will have an opportunity to do their part in raising that awareness. We are asking students to wear a color that day that represents a cancer that they would like to honor. By doing this small, yet meaningful act, we as a campus can give a powerful reminder to those hit by cancer that they are not in this alone. That the BULLDOGS are in this with them.
Keith Whitman