🏈TONIGHT: Chapel Hill Bulldogs vs. Livingston Lions Purchase Tickets: https://bit.ly/BulldogsvsLions Watch Live: https://www.texanlive.com/video/636423e8444aa2000153e3c0
about 2 years ago, Chapel Hill ISD
1st Round Playoff game the Chapel Hill Bulldogs will play the Livingston Lions on Thursday, Nov. 10.  Ticket information will be released on Monday.
Upcoming Event: School Health Advisory Council​ (SHAC) meeting at 4:30 p.m. on Monday, Nov. 14, in the Junior High Library. Read more about the Health Curriculum here: https://www.chapelhillisd.org/page/health-curriculum Próximo Evento: Reunión del Consejo Asesor de Salud Escolar (SHAC) a las 4:30 p.m. el lunes, 14 de noviembre, en la Biblioteca de la Secundaria. Lea más sobre el plan de estudios de salud aquí: https://www.chapelhillisd.org/page/health-curriculum
about 2 years ago, Chapel Hill ISD
Upcoming Event: School Health Advisory Council​  (SHAC) meeting at 4:30 p.m. on Monday, Nov. 14, in the Junior High Library.   Read more about the Health Curriculum here: https://www.chapelhillisd.org/page/health-curriculum  Próximo Evento: Reunión del Consejo Asesor de Salud Escolar (SHAC) a las 4:30 p.m. el lunes, 14 de noviembre, en la Biblioteca de la Secundaria.   Lea más sobre el plan de estudios de salud aquí: https://www.chapelhillisd.org/page/health-curriculum
🇺🇸We dedicate this week's #DownWithDean to all the men and women who have served our country and fought for our freedom. 📺YouTube: https://youtu.be/NsmGp7SOZu0
about 2 years ago, Chapel Hill ISD
🇺🇸We dedicate this week's #DownWithDean to all the men and women who have served our country and fought for our freedom.  📺YouTube: https://youtu.be/NsmGp7SOZu0
Job Hunting? Come to our Open Interviews event tomorrow, Nov. 8, at the CHISD Administration Building. Our Operations and Facilities Directors will be conducting interviews on the spot from 9 a.m. until 11 a.m. View current job openings: https://bit.ly/JoinOurCHISDTeam
about 2 years ago, Chapel Hill ISD
Job Hunting? Come to our Open Interviews event tomorrow, Nov. 8, at the CHISD Administration Building.   Our Operations and Facilities Directors will be conducting interviews on the spot from 9 a.m. until 11 a.m.   View current job openings: https://bit.ly/JoinOurCHISDTeam
🏀 Little Dribblers registration is now open for boys and girls ages four through 13. Program Information: https://5il.co/1kdb4 Registration Form: https://5il.co/1kdb5
about 2 years ago, Chapel Hill ISD
🏀 Little Dribblers registration is now open for boys and girls ages four through 13.
🏈Tickets are now available for the Chapel Hill Bulldogs versus the Livingston Lions football game on Thursday, Nov. 10. Ticket Information: https://bit.ly/3Um6VU7 #FirstRoundPlayoffGame
about 2 years ago, Chapel Hill ISD
🏈Tickets are now available for the Chapel Hill Bulldogs versus the Livingston Lions on Thursday, Nov. 10.  Ticket Information: https://bit.ly/3Um6VU7 #FirstRoundPlayoffGame
🔔REMINDER: Monday, Nov. 7 is a Student Holiday and a Staff Professional Development Day. Classes resume on Tuesday, Nov. 8.
about 2 years ago, Chapel Hill ISD
🔔REMINDER: Monday, Nov. 7 is a Student Holiday and a Staff Professional Development Day. Classes resume on Tuesday, Nov. 8.
WEATHER: Chapel Hill ISD is currently monitoring the potential for severe storms in our area. At this time all campuses will be dismissed as regularly scheduled. Any updates will be released via text, website at Chapelhillisd.org, and on our social media platforms.
about 2 years ago, Chapel Hill ISD
WEATHER: Chapel Hill ISD is currently monitoring the potential for severe storms in our area. At this time all campuses will be dismissed as regularly scheduled.  Any updates will be released via text, website at Chapelhillisd.org, and on our social media platforms.
Due to possible inclement weather on Friday, Nov. 4, the following varsity game has been moved to 7:30 p.m. on Thursday, Nov. 3: Chapel Hill Bulldogs vs Kilgore Bulldogs at the R. E. ST. John Memorial Stadium.  All sub-varsity games have been rescheduled to Wednesday, Nov. 2, and will be played at the previous scheduled times. Tickets: https://bit.ly/KilgoreISDTickets
about 2 years ago, Chapel Hill ISD
Football Game Schedule Changes
This week's Down With Dean video features our Kissam Intermediate P.E. class to help promote our "Moving With Moms" events. 🎥YouTube Channel: https://bit.ly/DownWithDeanYouTube
about 2 years ago, Chapel Hill ISD
This week's Down With Dean video features our Kissam Intermediate P.E. class to help promote our "Moving With Moms" events.   🎥YouTube Channel: https://bit.ly/DownWithDeanYouTube
👻Due to inclement weather the Chili Cook-Off and Halloween game has been rescheduled to Saturday, Nov. 5. 
about 2 years ago, Chapel Hill ISD
👻Due to inclement weather the Chili Cook-Off and Halloween game has been rescheduled to Saturday, Nov. 5. 
Due to possible inclement weather on Friday, Oct. 28, the following varsity game has been moved to 7:30 p.m. on Thursday, Oct. 27: Chapel Hill Bulldogs vs Athens Hornets at the CHISD High School Bulldog Stadium, 13172 State Highway 64 E., TX, 75707 All sub-varsity games will be cancelled. Ticket information: https://www.vancoevents.com/us/events/landing?eid=25945&
about 2 years ago, Chapel Hill ISD
Due to possible inclement weather on Friday, Oct. 28, the following varsity game has been moved to 7:30 p.m. on Thursday, Oct. 27:  Chapel Hill Bulldogs vs Athens Hornets at the CHISD High School Bulldog Stadium, 13172 State Highway 64 E., TX, 75707  All sub-varsity games will be cancelled.
TONIGHT: We invite parents and guardians to attend the Dyslexia Awareness Night at 5:30 p.m. on Monday, Oct. 24, in the Kissam Intermediate Cafeteria. Dinner and childcare will be provided at the event.
about 2 years ago, Chapel Hill ISD
We invite parents and guardians to attend the Dyslexia Awareness Night at 5:30 p.m. on Monday, Oct. 24, in the Kissam Intermediate Cafeteria. Our staff will lead discussions of the following topics: •Dyslexia Characteristics •Dyslexia Simulation •Dyslexia Update •At-home Tools to Help Children •Learning Ally Dinner will be provided at the event. Childcare will be available for siblings ages Pre-K through 3rd grade. Attendees are eligible to win door prizes. See less
Watch this week's Down With Dean: https://youtu.be/aUTekm8NtIk
about 2 years ago, Chapel Hill ISD
Watch this week's Down With Dean: https://youtu.be/aUTekm8NtIk
Happening Now: FCA Tailgate Party/Community Carnival at 4:30 p.m. today, Oct. 14, at the Chapel Hill High School.
about 2 years ago, Chapel Hill ISD
Join us at our next CHISD School Board meeting at 7 p.m. on Monday, Oct. 17. 👥View the agenda here: bit.ly/CHISDBoardAgendas22-23
about 2 years ago, Chapel Hill ISD
Visit out website to view additional calendar events at chapelhillisd.org/page/calendar Or download our app: 🔸Download in Google Play https://bit.ly/3c51hoy 🔸Download in Apple Store https://apple.co/3QSPmZR
over 2 years ago, Chapel Hill ISD
Visit out website to view other calendar events at chapelhillisd.org/page/calendar Or download our app:  🔸Download in Google Play https://bit.ly/3c51hoy 🔸Download in Apple Store https://apple.co/3QSPmZR
Watch this week's Down With Dean: https://bit.ly/DownWithDeanYouTube
over 2 years ago, Chapel Hill ISD
Watch this week's Down With Dean: https://bit.ly/DownWithDeanYouTube
All CHISD parents and legal guardians are invited to attend and learn more about the new curriculum changes. Read about the ESTEEM and Quaver programs here: https://www.chapelhillisd.org/page/health-curriculum
over 2 years ago, Chapel Hill ISD
Health Curriculum Parent Night at 5:30 p.m. on Tuesday, Oct. 18, in the Junior High School's Cafeteria.
Only High School and Junior High School students will be dismissed at 1:30 p.m. today, Sept. 30. Tonight's football game time has been changed from 7:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. due to lighting issues at the Bulldogs Stadium. Contact your campus for more information.
over 2 years ago, Chapel Hill ISD
High School and Junior High School students will be dismissed at 1:30 p.m. today, Sept. 30. Tonight's football game time has been changed from 7:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. due to lighting issues at the Bulldogs Stadium. Contact your campus for more information.