Back to School Resources for 2022-2023

Back to School Resources

Welcome back to CHISD for the 2022-2023 school year.


For Returning Students

Returning Student Enrollment Form: Skyward Family Access Portal Helpful Pages:

Online Required Schools Forms for all CHISD students will open on Wednesday, July 27, in Skyward Family Access. If you do not know your Family Access login credentials, please contact your campus registrar and include your child’s name.

  • High School: (903)566-2311 Ext. 1426

  • Junior High School: (903)566-1491 Ext. 1313

  • Kissam Intermediate: (903)566-8334 Ext. 1204

  • Jackson Elementary: (903)566-3411 Ext. 1002

  • Wise Elementary: (903)566-2271 Ext. 1159

If you have a new child entering school this year, you can add them in your already existing Family Access account.

For New Students

If none of your children have been enrolled in CHISD, please create an account for your online enrollment here: New Student Enrollment Account Request. Once an account has been created, you will be emailed your username and password to proceed to the enrollment application. After you complete the online application, contact the campus to schedule an appointment with the registrar and to visit the counselor to complete a schedule of classes. Bring the following documents to your appointment:

  1. Withdrawal Form from the previous school 

  2. Student’s Social Security Card (if a Social Security number has been assigned)

  3. Student's Birth Certificate with embossed stamp

  4. Immunization/Vaccination Record (See requirements at: Immunization Requirements)

  5. Current parent/guardian driver’s license or photo ID.

  6. Proofs of Residency (see Proof of Residency requirements at: Proof of Residency Information