Substitute Teacher Qualifications
Applicants must be 21 years of age or older to be considered to substitute at the Junior High or High School level. Applicants between the ages of 18 and 21 may be considered for Elementary School level. All applicants must meet these additional qualifications:
A high school diploma or equivalent
Bachelor's Degree preferred
Texas Educator Certification preferred
Must pass a criminal background check
Substitute Teacher Application Process
Upon submission of your online application, Human Resources will contact you regarding the training date, time, location, and list of documents needed.
Substitute Teacher Information
Frontline Substitute System (formerly Aesop)

Frontline Absence Management (Formerly Aesop) is an online program that allows teachers to enter absences and request substitutes. Teachers can view and manage their absences, add classroom lesson plans and other files for substitutes, and view reports on their absence history. Self-help guides and videos are available online for training and assistance.
Frontline can be accessed by calling 1-800-942-3767 or by clicking the link below.
To login to Frontline, click here and follow the instructions on the screen.