business services

Chapel Hill Independent School District is committed to sound financial management through integrity, prudent stewardship, planning, accountability, full disclosure, and open communication. The purpose of the Business Services Department is to enable the District to achieve and maintain a stable, long-term financial condition, to provide guidelines for the day-to-day planning and operations of the District's financial affairs, and to communicate the District's financial practices with stakeholders.

Purchasing Department

Carla Phillips Administrative Assistant to the Executive Director of Finance and Business Services

Contacts :

Shawna Powell

Assistant to the Executive Director of Business & Finance Services


Carla Phillips

Accounts Payable

Chapel Hill ISD is a member of the following Co-ops:                                                                                     

The Finance Office encourages an open and professional relationship with each vendor.  

Every effort must be made to use a bid vendor in compliance with applicable statutes and regulations.  Bid vendors normally offer a discount off catalog prices and/or free shipping.  Therefore, it is to the district's advantage to consistently use bid vendors.

In some cases, however, a new vendor must be added because the item(s) needed is a:

  • Sole Source

  • Consultant, staff development presenter or doctor, psychologist, etc.

  • New workshop, membership or conference registration

Vendor Gifts and Relations

School district officials and employees cannot accept anything of value from a vendor, such as personal gifts or gratuities, which may be construed to have been given to influence the purchasing process.  Although such practices may be legitimate and generally accepted in the private sector, giving and receiving gifts in the public sector may constitute a violation of law. 

Invoices can be emailed to Accounts Payable at:

Disclosure of Interested Parties

"Before a school district can enter into a contract with an entity that will require board approval or has a value of at least one million dollars, the vendor must visit the Texas Ethics Commission website to properly fill out the Form 1295 Certificate of Interested Parties Electronic Filing Application.  Once completed, this form will be given a unique certification number called "certification of filing."  This form will need to be printed, signed, and provided to the district before moving forward with a contract.  Once a contract is finalized, a district has 30 days to acknowledge receipt of the Form 1295 on the Texas Ethics Commission website.  The district should keep a copy of the acknowledged form and file it with the contract."