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Mark Ferrer
Executive Director of Operations

Dulce Suell
Administrative Assistant to the Executive Director of Operations
Office Hours
Monday - Friday
7:30AM - 4:30PM
11134 County Road 2249
Tyler, Texas 75707-5304
Each department within District Operations is committed to providing excellent customer service in addressing the needs of Chapel Hill ISD schools and facilities.
Our goal is to provide the highest level of support by ensuring safe and secure campuses, quality transportation and nutritious meals, along with our product knowledge, expertise and services that are necessary to maintain clean and attractive buildings and grounds.
"Unwavering belief that student success is our primary mission"
What We Do
Improve existing facilities through capital funding.
Ensure facilities are clean and disinfected.
Heat, Cool, and condition facilities.
Deliver industry-quality craftsmanship in carpentry, electrical, plumbing, HVAC, and multi-skills.
Maintain campus grounds and athletic facilities.
The operations department also oversees the programs listed below:
Energy Management
Integrated Pest Management
Shipping & Receiving
Along with the Division of Technology, Maintenance & Operations utilizes a work order system, which was adopted to enhance timely responses and completion of work orders based on priorities and supported by excellent communication tools. Clean and well-maintained facilities, efficiency in energy and environmental issues and overall team spirit help support principals, other administrators and teachers in daily readiness of campuses. This department also oversees warehouses, maintains general supplies and equipment and transports food items, furniture and other items to and from schools and administrative offices.