Parents and guardians are encouraged to address their questions or concerns to the person or office most directly involved in the matter. When subsequent conversation is required, the customary “chain of command” should be followed. Those involved in addressing concerns are committed to responding in an appropriate and timely manner. Parent and community inquiries should generally be directed in this order:
Initial Point of Contact: The child’s teacher
When parents or guardians have a question about specific issues such as student progress, grade level or subject area curriculum, classroom expectations, the instructional program, student assessment, student discipline, or other matters related to classroom activities or organization.
The School Assistant Principal, initial point of contact:
When a question or concern exists relative to campus rules or regulations, student placement practices, registration, parent participation or involvement, student records, special programs and related student services, or other matters related to school-wide activities or organization.
The School Principal, initial point of contact:
When a question or concern exists relative to campus rules or regulations, student placement practices, registration, parent participation or involvement, student records, special programs and related student services, or other matters related to school-wide activities or organization, and the assistant principal has already been contacted.
The Child’s Coach, initial point of contact:
When parents or guardians have a question or concern about specific issues such as participation, team rules, schedule conflicts, or matters related directly to the sport or team. If parents have athletic questions that cannot be answered by a coach, the next point of contact is the CHISD Director of Athletics.
Director of Athletics, 903-566-2441 x 2072
The Assistant Superintendent’s Office:
Should be contacted if you have already contacted the proper person in the “chain of command” and your questions or concerns were not resolved.
Assistant Superintendent of Schools, 903-566-2441 x 2054
The Superintendent’s Office / Board of Trustees:
The Superintendent’s Office should be contacted when questions or concerns exist relative to District policies or procedures, concerning Board of Trustee meetings and agendas, or other matters which are not identified within the descriptions above.
The CHISD Superintendent retains the responsibility and authority for all aspects of the CHISD programs.
Superintendent of Schools, 903-566-2441 x 2003
Academics/Student Services Departments:
Curriculum & Instruction, 903-566-2441 x 2053
Health Services & Title IX Programs, 903-566-2441 x 2052
Special Education Services, 903-566-2441 x 1962
Special Programs, 903-566-2441 x 2012
BIL/ESL, 903-566-2441 x 2022
Enrollment & PEIMS, 903-566-2441 x 2056
Business Department:
Should be the initial point of contact with questions related to District finances, budget, purchasing practices, or other matters related to finance or general operations.
Executive Director of Finance, 903-566-2441 x 2010
Communications and Website:
Should be contacted with questions concerning Public Information Requests and information pertaining to the CHISD websites, social media accounts, and media and/or press information.
Director of Communications and Public Relations, 903-566-2441 x 2029
Child Nutrition Department:
Should be contacted for any questions related to the school breakfast or lunch program or any other food service matters.
Director of Child Nutrition, 903-566-2441 x 1676
Maintenance/Custodial Department:
Should be contacted for questions about buildings and grounds, operations, and facilities.
Director of Facilities, 903-566-2441 x 2110
Personnel/Human Resources Department:
Should be the initial point of contact for employee questions, or employment information.
Director of Human Resources and Student Services, 903-566-2441 x 2051
Technology Department:
Should be contacted with questions related to the District’s technology program, including Technical Services and Instructional Technology.
Director of Technology, 903-566-2441 x 1900
Transportation Department:
Should be contacted for questions regarding all CHISD Transportation services.
Director of Transportation, 903-566-2441 x 2102
Safety and Security, CHISD Police Department:
Should be contacted with concerns involving District safety measures and traffic control.
Should be contacted to report any criminal activity within the District.
Chief of Police, 903-566-2441 x 2911
In case of emergency call 911
The office of the Executive Director of Operations:
Should be contacted if you have already contacted the proper person in the “chain of command” and your questions or concerns regarding operations, facilities, maintenance, custodial, child nutrition or transportation departments were not resolved.
Executive Director of Facilities & Operations, 903-566-2441 x 2104
The Chapel Hill ISD Board of Trustees and Superintendent are committed to maintaining public trust and the financial integrity of the District. CHISD prohibits fraud and financial impropriety. Any person who suspects fraud or financial impropriety in the District shall report the suspicions immediately to any supervisor, the Superintendent, the Board President, or local law enforcement.