Chapel Hill ISD is dedicated to providing a well rounded education for our students. The District was established in the 1950-1951 school year.
Currently, CHISD serves a student body of almost 3,380 students in grades Pre-Kindergarten through 12. The district is rated as 4A Division 1 by the University Interscholastic League. This growing district competes in the interscholastic league with Kilgore, Jacksonville, Henderson, and Palestine. The District is located in eastern Smith County, Texas and covers 118 square miles, which includes a small portion of the City of Tyler, the University of Texas at Tyler, the community of Jackson, and the city of New Chapel Hill.

Our Philosophy
Our mission is to educate ALL children so they can successfully compete in an ever-changing world. Our vision to shape the future, one child at a time, the Chapel Hill way!
Through our holistic approach, we aim to shape the future by unlocking the potential of each child, instilling in them a lifelong love for learning, and preparing them to contribute positively to their communities and beyond.

Our Beliefs
Every student has the right to the highest quality education provided in a nurturing, safe, and orderly learning environment.
We hold ourselves accountable to every student in our district.
Education flourishes in an environment where high standards of character and the development of citizenship are promoted.
Education is a shared responsibility among all stakeholders - students, educators, parents, and community.
We believe the development of citizenship in all students is essential to a complete education.
We believe the development of leadership throughout the organization is critical to our success.
All students can and will learn.
Learning is enhanced by passionate and highly qualified educators who pursue expertise in their fields and are highly valued by the entire community.

Our Educational Model: Academies of Chapel Hill
The purpose of The Academies is to achieve the District’s vision and mission for all students. Supported by Tyler Junior College and University of Texas in Tyler, this model aligns with state initiatives to provide every student with the foundation of knowledge, skills, and character necessary to excel in higher education, work, and life.

Our Accountability
The 85th Texas Legislature passed House Bill (HB) 22, establishing three domains for measuring the academic performance of districts and campuses:
Student Achievement, School Progress, and Closing the Gaps.
Chapel Hill ISD received a district accountability grade of “B” for the 2021-2022 school year, an overall “Met Standard Rating.”

Our Brand
We are proud to be a united district, where strength lies in our shared vision, unwavering commitment, and a deep sense of community.
Mascot: Bulldog
District Colors: Blue and Yellow
Hand Sign: Our district's hand sign is a unique and powerful symbol that embodies our collective pride, unity, and spirit.