Innovative Teaching Grants
The Innovative Teaching Grants are designed to encourage, facilitate, recognize, and reward innovative and creative instructional approaches to the accomplishment of the program's objectives.
Chapel Hill Education Foundation is offering teachers and administrators the opportunity to apply for grants to support innovative programs or projects to support higher levels of student learning. The grants must enhance student academic performance and support the objectives, goals, and initiatives of the Campus Action Plan.
WHO can apply?
WHO can apply?
Applicants can be individuals or teams of individuals employed by CHISD, as long as a direct impact on students can be demonstrated.
You can apply as an individual and be part of one or more groups.
An individual or the exact same group can only apply for one grant.
Grants are limited to $1,000 for a single applicant or a group.
WHAT kind of grants will we fund?
We will fund instructional and classroom materials, parental involvement programs and any activity or material that supports student development.
Spring grants would be implemented in the 2023-2024 school year.
WHAT kind of grants WON’T we fund?
Professional development
Classroom sets of tablets or computers
Curriculum or textbooks
T-shirts or uniforms
Gift cards
WHEN are grants due?
Monday, February 1, 2024: The Grant application becomes available on the website.
Monday, March 4, 2024: Grants Due to with Required Signatures
Fall 2024 Convocation: Winners will be announced and funds will be granted
Our graders won’t know when you submit it, but if there's a hiccup with your application, it gives you time to fix it.
Grants must be approved by the CHISDEF Grants Committee to ensure the idea fulfills our mission, and then are approved by:
Campus Principal, unless principal recommends applicant to seek further approval from the Curriculum, Operations, or Technology Directors.
Any of these could ask for more information. Build in the extra time to make the required edits by submitting early.
The Grants Committee may seek further approval from other Executive Directors.
WHERE is the application?
Have a fun, catchy name for your grant!
Tell a story. Pull some heartstrings. Be passionate about your why!
Avoid acronyms or educational lingo without an explanation.
Grant Committee encourages when grants have a community partner. Are there others who will participate in this project? (PTO, Chamber of Commerce, parents, student groups etc.) These partners are not donating to the foundation. Please make sure they understand.
Show that you’ve done your homework.