Bulldog Parent University Logo

We are excited to announce the launch of Chapel Hill ISD's Bulldog Parent University! This initiative is designed to empower parents and community members by providing virtual workshops that enhance their ability to support their students' success.

Understanding the demands of busy schedules, we have structured these workshops to be accessible and convenient. Our objective is to encourage parents and community members to participate in virtual workshop sessions, earning points for each attendance. Parents who engage in these opportunities and accumulate at least half of the required points will "graduate" from Bulldog Parent University at the end of the year. Graduates will be honored with certificates, medals, and special recognition from their students during a celebratory banquet depending on the amount of points they receive.

This program is open to parents of all grade levels, ensuring that every family has the opportunity to be involved in their child’s educational journey. Additionally, we are introducing a friendly competition: the campus with the highest level of parental engagement in these workshops will receive a prize at the end of the year!

We believe that strong partnerships between parents, schools, and the community are essential for student success. Bulldog Parent University is an excellent opportunity to foster these connections and equip our families with the tools they need.

We look forward to your participation and enthusiasm as we embark on this exciting initiative together. More details about workshop topics and links are shared below.

For any questions or concerns, please contact our Parent & Family Engagement Coordinator, Crystal Binning, with the information below:

Email: binningc@chapelhillisd.org

Ph. #: (903) 566-2441, ext. 1964 

Current Week's Workshop Link

March 12th - "Numbers with Purpose: Why Math is Essential for Every Student"

5:30 to 6:30 pm

Link - https://meet.google.com/kgq-nrcu-kga?authuser=0

Numbers w/ Purpose

Upcoming Virtual Workshops

BPU Flyer 3

BPU Flyer 4