Chapel Hill registered voters may vote at any additional Election Day Vote Centers established and open under full contract services with the Smith County Elections Administration, which list may be found at
We understand that voting can be confusing and overwhelming at times, but our goal is to make it as easy and accessible as possible for everyone.
Voting Requirements
Bring one of the following IDs at early voting or Election Date to cast your vote.
Texas Driver License
Texas Election ID Certificate issued
Texas Personal Identification Card
Texas Handgun License issued by DPS
United States Military Identification Card containing the person’s photograph
United States Passport (book or card)
Are you registered to vote?
To be eligible to register in Texas, you must:
U.S. citizen;
Resident of the county;
18 years old or older
Important note: To be eligible to vote in any election you must be registered 30 days prior to Election Day, May 6. Click to view other requirements.
Where can I vote in Chapel Hill?
There are several voting locations (view more at the bottom of this page) and Chapel Hill has three
U.S. citizen;
Resident of the county;
18 years old or older
Note: To be eligible to vote you must be registered 30 days prior to Election Day.