Proposed Projects

Why Was a Bond Called?

On Feb. 13, the CHISD School Board of Trustees voted to call for a bond referendum of 113 million dollars to appear before voters in May of 2023.

The planned projects include new school facilities,  safety and security improvements. Bond funds will be used to improve the 21st-century learning environments for students and staff.

The following Propositions are part of the approved Master Facility Plan presented by the Facility Advisory Committee and approved by the School Board of Trustees.


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Proposition A

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Junior High

New Junior High School

Description: The proposed plan relocates the Junior High School to its own property with adequate acreage, circulation access, and facilities. The relocation offers 37 acres, the recommended space for a Junior High School. The property would accommodate students by providing sufficient space for academic classrooms, science and computer labs, music rooms, rehearsal halls, and a gymnasium with locker rooms to accommodate students. 

History: Chapel Hill Junior High has been a part of the Chapel Hill community since 1974. The current facility houses seventh and eighth grade students and shares property with the Chapel Hill High School. 

Cost: The estimated cost is $60,373,000.

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New Career & Tech Facility

Description: The proposed plan would fund the construction of a new facility connected to the main building. The new facility is designed to improve safety for High School students and provide adaptability for the new education model, the Academies of Chapel Hill. The facility is equipped with modern classrooms and technical workshops for 21st-century learning environments. 

History: The current facility was built in 1966 and is located southwest of the Chapel Hill High School grounds. The facility houses two Life Skills Ready classrooms, and 14 trade and career ready programs.

Cost: The estimated cost is $19,938,000.

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Jackson Elementary

New Classroom Additions at Wise Elementary & Jackson Elementary

Description: The proposed plan adds new classroom additions connected to the main building which are designed to ensure secure and safe connections for students.

History: Jackson Elementary was built in 1960. Wise Elementary was built is 1985. Both school house Pre-Kindergarten through third grade students.

Cost: The estimated cost is $4,326,000 for Jackson Elementary and $3,998,000 for Wise Elementary.

Proposition B

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Multi-purpose Activity Center

Multi-purpose Activity Center

Description: The enclosed facility is designed to provide a safe environment for physical wellness, allowing students to participate in a variety of activities including 19 UIL organizations in the district such as band, dance, cheer and athletics. The proposed location of the 57,000 square foot multi-purpose activity center is between Bulldog Stadium and the High School parking lot. 

Cost: The estimated cost is $13,595,000. 

Proposition C

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Operations Facility

Operations Facility

Description: The new facility aims to provide employees with safe and adequate facilities, including accommodation for the Transportation, Child Nutrition, Maintenance, Shipping and Receiving Departments. The new facility would feature adequate workshops, warehousing, in-school bus parking, wash and fueling stations. 

Cost: The estimated cost is $5,485,000